André Cruchaga


André Cruchaga, Nació en Chalatenango, El Salvador, 1957. Tiene una licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación. Además de profesor de humanidades., ha desempeñado la función de docente en Educación Básica y Superior. Parte de su obra poética ha sido traducida al francés por Jean Dif, Danièlle Trottier; esta última, el libro antológico: “El fuego atrás de la ventana” (Le feu derrière la fenêtre) y Viajar de la ceniza. La poeta María Eugenia Lizeaga, por su parte, ha traducido el libro “Oscuridad sin fecha” al Idioma vasco (Euskara); y poemas sueltos, Michel Krott, al holandés.

Reconocimientos: Primer Premio Juegos Florales de Zacatecoluca ( La Paz, 1985),
Primera Mención de Honor (Juegos Florales de San Miguel, San Miguel, 1988), Primera Mención de Honor (Juegos Florales de San Vicente, San Vicente, 2001), Primer Premio Juegos Florales de Chalatenango (Chalatenango, 2002), Primer Premio Juegos Florales de Ahuachapán (Ahuachapán, 2005), Finalista: Primer Concurso Internacional de Poesía "Paseo en Verso" ( Editorial Pasos en la Azotea, Querétaro, México, 2004/2005).

Publicaciones: Alegoría de la palabra (1992), Fantasía del agua (1992), Fuego de la intimidad (1993), Espejo del invierno ( 1993), Memoria de Marylhurts (1993), Visión de la muerte (1994), Antigua soledad (1994), Insomnio divagante (1991), Viento (1995), Césped sobre el fuego (1995), Fugitiva luz de los espejos (1995), Fantasía del bosque (1996), Enigma del tiempo (1996), Roja vigilia (1997), Querencia del follaje (1998), Rumor de pájaros (2002), Oscuridad sin fecha (2006), Pie en tierra (2007).

1. Laberinto de los espejos

Ocúltate del siniestro pájaro
Que te asedia a las horas más inesperadas…
Enrique Gómez Correa

El aire turba los pensamientos ante el sonido de las piedras,
Mientras lianas de fantasmas nos asisten
Con abrazos de ciegos brebajes.
Las epifanías transcurren oscuramente
Donde el musgo germina sus andrajos.
Entre tanta imagen de la vida:
Imágenes esféricas, atribuladas,
Sombras a la deriva aleteando en la esperanza,
La vida le debe a la vigilia
Y a las leyes del mundo.
En la zozobra salta la altitud de la fe;
Los fieles dibujan un amor invicto,
Pero la carne tañe otros destinos otra luz que se apaga.
Sacrificial es este fuego de todos los días:
Agónico estertor de la demencia humana,
Frágil sueño entre la ceniza de la noche,
Dios ahí como luz errante,
Envuelto en silencio, sobreviviente también,
Del clamor de la vida, viendo los golpes
Desde la transparencia de su omnipotencia.
Estamos expuestos a la congoja,
Sombra del sueño;
Nada es la luz en la doliente herida,
Si no es para desvelarla,
Fragua de un himno desgarrado,
Luto de obstinado terror.
Hay salmos y proverbios para enaltecer la noche:
Huracanes de buitres, ebrias líneas de papel
Profanando las ventanas
Como cadáver oculto en la caverna
De las manos.
Debajo de la vida, la muerte renace cada día,
Con su borrosa porcelana de quebrados vientos:
Sepia es el zarpazo, horrible el tizne
De los tabancos, la presencia desnuda
De las aceras.
Debajo de la piel nombres destejidos,
Demasiada ceniza en las barbas,
Las banderas y el nombre de los santos desteñidos.
Dentro de los poros, los pájaros,
La herida genésica debatiendo
Entre antiguos sonidos, negros soles
Sobre el sonido de glaciales estupefactos.
Aquí la muerte presente en los nombres,
Aquí la muerte entre los dedos de la madera:
Olvida nombres, ruge, martilla como el mar.
Muerde con sus dientes de ballena,
Corta los cabellos con su silenciosa
Lengua de azufre.
La vida pierde sus zapatos. Como tantas cosas,
La cubre un puñado ligero de polvo,
Una losa y, después,
Sólo el silencio del abismo
Y las flores ateridas de la noche…

Barataria, 03. 04. 2007

2. El País (Casi una elegía)


Tu cuerpo se fue haciendo pequeño
Ante la multitud,
Vértigo de la abstracción, premisa de hiel,
Instancia del dolor, cuerpo sin labios,
Dolorosa luz entre la piel de titubeantes carbones.
Así has sido, País. Ala de gemidos, delirantes quejas,
Muro de la esperanza, alfombra del embuste,
Porción de espejos en disputa del sonido.
Ante tanta desdicha, la historia no ha tenido felicidad:
Cada calle de la ciudad es cementerio.
La ropa so sirve para cubrir las venas rotas,
Ni el día es suficiente para que brillen los ojos.
Todos nos hemos convertido en hijos de la muerte.
La única certeza es la destrucción:
El odio ha soltado sus estertores ciegos.
La realidad está ahí cubierta de huesos,
De sombras y labios sucios.
Todo nos conduce a la noche:
Noche la razón en tazas de ficción,
Noche la existencia del orden,
Noche la memoria con frases imaginarias,
Noche el ojo que ha renunciado a la claridad,
Noche la risa delirante en la garganta,
Noche el cielo reducido a noche,
Noche el tiempo envejeciendo como piedra,
Noche el fuego y el pálpito;
Latente, sin embargo, el temor y la injuria.
Cansada la voz, la ceniza la corona.
Hacen falta alas, para salir de estos huesos
Convertidos en sórdida caligrafía del pan:
Somos odio, burdeles y discursos.
Somos tema de la propaganda,
Madera sin violines, suma de sombras,
Donde las hojas son saetas del aire
Y las criptas, contrapunto del ultraje.

Barataria, 03. 04. 2007

3. La Patria entre la niebla de la historia

En la noche la lluvia resume los sonidos.
Tenue el vidrio de las gotas revive los peces:
La historia sólo cambia de guantes y bastones,
Cambia a ratos su hollín, acorrala,
Siempre alza muros de tumbas en la intemperie
Y despojos hechos ceniza.
Hay un fervor inaugural del albedrío:
La beatitud al caos es inminente;
El tropel, feroz e imprevisible.
La esquirla o la bomba o el asalto sirven de gramática,
En las clases de lenguaje y humanismo,
La hoja de papel de miedo e incredulidad.
En la luz sólo se ven manos vencidas,
Colgando de espejos mudos y yertas miradas.
En los sueños, la esperanza es hojarasca,
No otro color que transfigure la memoria.
No es camino, ni resplandor, ni paraíso,
Sino geometría oscura en el umbral del otoño:
Falaz ostentación de las estatuas,
Pesadez de las sombras sobre el horizonte.
La historia se ve en el espejo de la niebla.
Allí la lengua saca su espada,
Los espectros convulsos del llanto,
Los perros oscilando su saliva en el hueso.
Bajo el cielo, el dolor y el miedo son patentes,
La moneda que cambió nuestra identidad.
¿Es que acaso no tenemos derecho a la alegría?
En esta hora, el devenir parece un cuchillo oscuro;
Los sueños, alfileres; y la felicidad,
Llagas de enredaderas putrefactas.
Jamás ha habitado el sol de la prosperidad esta tierra:
A la ciudad la veo moribunda,
Y a los pájaros, chupamieles en fuga.
Nadie sale invicto, ni tiene sosiego:
Emigrar es huir para construir otros cementerios
Y vivir extrañamente entre fantasmas y mimetismos.
La historia es un candil que se adelgaza
Con el viento, su pabilo de herrumbre
Cae sobre la tierra
Y pellizca el espinazo de los relojes,
Hasta esculpir destinos de pánico:
Sedientos fetichismos para abrigos
Y tacones de obediente proclama.
Jamás la historia ha sido otra cosa,
Sino esqueleto, plegaria de la fe, espejo de la niebla…

Barataria, 04.04.2007

© André Cruchaga

Rosemary C. Wilkinson


Rosemary Regina Challoner Wilkinson is a award-winning contemporary poet. She is Honorary President of World Academy of Arts and Culture / World Congress of Poets (served as Secretary General then President from 1994-2003).

Rosemary C. Wilkinson wrote her first poem at age 14, served 10 years hospital administration, reared 4 children. When President Kennedy was shot she wrote her 2nd poem; from then on she could not stop the poetry flowing. She is the author of 22 poetry books, some of wich is translated into 38 languages. Her prose works include AN HISTORICAL EPIC translated into Mandarin (published in NEW LITERATURE, Taipei) and biography of EPIC OF THE SHIP'S CAPTAIN / ARTIST.

Wilkinson was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, reared in New York and San Fransisco, presently residing in the Foothills of mighty Sierra Nevada Mountains, northeast of San Francisco, writing her 40 year literary career autobiography titled POET: UPLIFT MANKIND.

1. Take a Walk With Me

Here at 3,000 feet in foothills of the
Sierra Nevada mountains, let us walk along
paths of 100 feet cedars, pines, black oaks,
Chinese pistache, crepe myrtle, low madrone,
manzanita, mountain misery, mid sparse homes.

Traveling down to Placerville feast
the splendor of purple lupine, daffodils,
jonquils, peeping up, with forsythia,
scotch broom plentiful spreading
over green hills to pink, white dogwood, galore.

Yes, this is Spring blooming out in full glory
we yearn for when winter slips, Spring is totally here.

April 8, 2007, 2:53 P.M.

2. We Came To See...

(VA Hospital)

We came to see where injured soldiers
walk limping, some in wheel chairs,
came to see agony they grimace
when sitting, as if in pain,
yes, we came to see, learned of a noble courag'ing.

If not among so many others waiting a turn
to hobble into M.D. visits, lab exams,
surgery, eye, ear, nose, frosted toes
repair; I would hide my face in book and
let a tear or two run down between as I look.

So I search for some solace, midst all of this, like
Chesterton viewing Botticelli's "Mystic Nativity"
in National Gallery to sooth hurt in my heart,
in these chaotic times, for some happiness,
like heaven, on the day we celebrate our Christmas.

Feb 11, 2007, 7:45 P.M.

3. Miracle of Order in Creation

Wind blows swiftly falling oak leaves
at my feet as I rustle through them
deep breathing this December air as new
storm drives close - birds fly to cover
in all this splendor and glory I feel uplifted, mind and spirit.

Oh! the wonder of the Lord of faithfulness and love, I say
as I look about these sky-tall pines yielding majesty of God
and seeing dignity in human beings, though alone, yes,
in all of nature I see God's goodness for when beholding
beauty and love it is as if I have arrived already in heaven.

December 8, 2006, 7:35 P.M.

4. This Is The Moment

This is the moment
when I see the dull sky
sprinkle pure white flakes
bending ponderosa pines fifty feet tall
creating a dripping "in tune"
as the sun shines through.
I smell the clean air, inhaling deep
within me, as I touch covered leaves
of flowers frozen, no longer to breathe
fragrance stifled by cleansing thereof,
imbuing soft stillness, I feel,
bringing peace within.

© Rosemary C. Wilkinson

Teresinka Pereira


Teresinka Pereira: Brazilian-American poet, President of the International Writers and Artists Association (IWA), President of the International Congress of the Society of Latin Culture.

She received from the Knights of Malta Sovereigh Order of St. John of Jerusalem the hereditary title of "Dame of Grace", signed by the Grand Prior S.O.S.J. Dom K. Vella Haber (Malta, January 8, 1997). January 1999 she was appointed Senator of the International Parliament for Safety and Peace. Dr. Teresinka Pereira received, in 1985, the noble title of Dame of Magistral Grace from Dom Waldemar Baroni Santos, Prince of Brazil, for her literary merits.

Teresinka received a Ph.D. in Romance Languages from the University of New Mexico, USA, and in 1997 received the Doctor Honoris Causa degree from the University Simon Bolivar, in Colombia. In 1972 she received the National Prize for Theatre in Brazil, in 1977 she was nominated Poet of the Year by the Canadian Society of Poets, and in 1992 was nominated Personality of the Year by the Brazilian Writers Union. She was awarded a golden "Laurel Wreath" as "Laureate Woman of Letters" from the United Poets Laureate International (UPLI). In 1994 she was the winner of the Su-Se Ru International Literary Magazine Company Prize in Korea, and in Greece, she was the winner of the Prize City of Athens. Also in 1994 was elected Director of International Affairs of the Society of Latin Culture. Since 1989 she is a member of the North American Academy of Spanish Language, corresp. of the Royal Spanish Academy.

1. Enigma

Once I jumped out
of my rose skin
and modestly
entered the fountain
of crystalline enigmas.

Since then I remain unknown
but I have the impetuosity
of a loose ocean
and phosphorescent pupils
to engender
the most daring dreams.

2. Death

To Cheo Seung-Hui*

Your tears became the rain
that mournfully inundated
heavens and earth with a
deluge larger than the
biblical flood prior
to your destiny.

I can only imagine
the darkness of your rage,
untimely and incurable,
the painful wound that
awoke with you
and which you laid out to share
the sacrifice.

The fury of your innocense
made the whole world tremble
leaving so many doubts
and false understandings.

Now that you are in peace
and have rendered your tears
to us, I forgive you for not
being able to decipher
the temporal pretext for living.

* Cho Seung-hui committed suicide
after shooting and killing 32 people
and wounding others at the Virginia Tech
University, April 16, 2007.

3. Nothing

Nothing is a long time
in the waiting room
in grief and sorrow
every morning.

Nothing is returning
to the emancipated breath
of freedom under parole.

Nothing was hope
in the lobies of time,
the fever in my tongue
and inside my body.

Nothing is this life
of strayed eyes and this
almost extinguished
flame still shining
in case that you
decide to love me.

4. Poem For Someone
Who Is Sorry For Me

Just a moment, please!
The night sleeps calmly.
Why do you want to annihilate
the silence of the infinite?
Leave my anguish alone,
let me protect myself
from your perfidious hopes!

5. Anna Politkovskaya

I hold the security agents
that detained you in Chechnya
February 2001, guilty
of violating your human rights.

Today, receiving the news
of your death, I imagine you
in a pit for three days
without food or water
while a military officer
threatened to shoot you...

Finally they did it
on October 7, 2006. Now
the whole world celebrates
your life and death
against oppression.

You don't need any extra words
in a poem about you.
you are the bravest poetry
any human being would love
to have the courage to become.

© Teresinka Pereira

Taki Yuriko

Biography :

Taki Yuriko: Born in Tokyo, Japan.

Jobs: worked in NIPPON RADIO BROADCASTING, works now in KUMON Institute of Education

Member of : International Writers and Artists Association, The International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace, World Congress of Poets-World Academy of Arts and Culture (Approved by UNESCO), World Congress of Poets for Research and Recitation Society of NIPPON RADIO BROADCASTING

1. In Japan: "The World of Atomic Bomb Poem Anthology" (published by Kadokawa) (*), "My Revolution Square" (published by Shichousha), "The Japan of Atomic Bomb Literature Anthology" (published by Horupu) (*), "Poems Against The War Anthology", joint with USA poets 2003 (publishedby Souhuusha), "Genocide" written with Dr.Ernesto Kahan (published by Nihon Tosho center in June 2006),
2. In Germany: "Seit Jenvem Tag Anthology" (published by Fisher Taschenbuch Verlag)(*),
3. In Romania: "8500 Christs, Les 8500 Christs" (published by Standart)the first edition in 2002 and the second edition in 2003
4. In USA: Internet publishing (
the Official Website), Harmony in New York by WCPPRR
5. In France: "Anthologie Secrete" (will publish by Jean-Paul Mestas )Selected by the editors who compiled the anthology.
6. In Other Countries and Awards:
In 2006 received the Honorary Degree of Doctor in Literature, from World Academy of Arts and Culture (Approved by UNESCO)
In the Newspapers or Magazines of Australia, Brazil, China, Korea (received award in 2006) Mongolia,India, Greece (received award in 2005) and France.
In the Dictionary of 2000 Outstanding People 2003 by International Biographical Centre Cambridge in U.K.
Literary Works translated into 11 Languages from poetry book “8500 Christs” (English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Hangul, Chinese, Russian, Romanian, Mongolian, Greek).

(*) Taki Yuriko was the only poet born after the Second World War, to have poetry selected by the editors who compiled the anthologies.

1. Regrets of an Eldest Daughter

My inheritance was a single line.
"I leave all my worldly goods to the younger daughter."
Nothing more.
Though I scoured the will,
"Yuriko" was never mentioned.

Mother and I had never even quarrelled,
And I have ten albums' worth of fond memories.
My husband and I holding hands while Mom pets a swan.
Travelling to France, America.
Trying French wines
And Calvados apple brandy.
Exploring Normandy in a rental car.
Seeing America's West Coast and Yosemite.
Mom looking up at a huge tree and laughing.
All shots filled with happiness.

When my poems came out, I immediately sent them to Mother.
No comment.
The daughter of a high-ranking officer,
She dodged stones thrown by civilians after the war.
Mother idolized the pre-war days,
The days of her beloved, my grandfather.
But my poetry decried them.

When I married, my father, the only man, was already gone.
But Mother never reproached me.
She saw me off without complaint.

In Japan, children look after their parents.
Usually, the sons do it.
Otherwise it falls to the eldest daughter.
When I declared, "I am leaving home to get married,"
Mother must have concluded, "I've been discarded."

My inheritance was a single line.
"I leave all my worldly goods to the younger daughter,"
Nothing more,
"Provided that she devote herself to me
Til death do us part."

My sister never married; she cared for Mother to the end.
And she did not invite me to the funeral.

Translated by John and Deborah Saxon

2. A Dead Child at Hiroshima

The sound of a bat flapping its wings
Is the sound of my knocking?

A hole gapes in the sky
Is the scar of clouds scorched at the scattering of my fresh.

The voice of Emperor Hirohito praying,
Is my alarm clock screaming at me never to sleep.

Look, Mama
My little sisters are playing over my head.
From inside my eye
A single blade of grass
Is about to grow.

Long have my eyes been bone dry
No longer do cry.

3. Like Warsaw

The ice has melted.
A bird’s footprints
On the banks of the Wisla*
It’s springtime in Warsaw.

I saw a picture of
Warsaw -1945.
Gray was its only color.
The bombed-out buildings, the people,
As if covered in ash,
Pure gray.

In that town full of the dead,
People and horses
Wore ash.
Pure gray.

The living, the dead,
Pure gray.

I saw a picture of
Warsaw today.
It’s as through the clock had turned back
Before that gray time.
The red brick walls,
The very cracks in the buildings,
Are just as they were
Before Warsaw was destroyed.

If you walk around
With a map from back then,
There is the bread shop!

Just as it all was,
So it is now.

But where
Are those killed in the
Warsaw Uprising of
August 1st, 1944?

Where is the youth shot and killed
As he poked his head out
From the sewer?

Where are
All the dead?:**

But the bereaved of Warsaw
Steadfastly held to the ideal
Of restoring that city,
That pile of rubble,
To it’s former glory.

They relied on their memories
Of each and every detail,
How much the paint had peeled,
How much the bricks had clipped.

This obsession burned within
So as not to forget
Those who sacrificed their lives
Winning freedom.

Built brand new,
But exactly as long ago,
The town was designated
A World Heritage site.

I saw a picture of Kabul as it was 30 years ago.
Luscious green is everywhere.
A beautiful palace,
And in the park,
A rainbow
Rising up from the fountain.
A library filled with books,
And fields that are ripe for harvest.

Now Kabul wears that same gray,
A rubbish heap,
One of the world’s poorest countries.
It’s Warsaw in 1943.

As a city along the Silk Road,
As in the flourishing days of your past.
Become that Kabul of thirty years ago,
When your city held the stature of a World Heritage site
And many Buddhist statues.

One large power after another has come into Afghanistan
Dropping not food, but bombs.
Selling not medicine, but weapons,
Making Afghanis fight each other,
Laying waste the whole of the country
And extinguishing all hope.

To show that you have not succumbed,
Remember again the Kabul of thirty years past.
Trace each and every memory.
Like Warsaw, rebuild, and become
Magnificent once again.

For your efforts to rebuild,
Your sheer tenacity,
We would gladly name all of Kabul
A World Heritage Site.

And then,
The people of the world
Would visit Afghanistan.

Like the Warsaw of today,
Like the Warsaw that won its freedom.

* The Wisla river is the longest river in Poland. It flows from the Carpathian mountains of North Romania through Krakow and Warsaw to the Baltic Sea.
**Approximately 150,000-200,000 people lost their lives.)

April 2002, Translated into English by Deborah & John Saxon

4. Blessed Are They

Those taken into the
Camp at Auschwitz
Were nonetheless blessed.

Their names had been
Replaced by numbers,
But they could be numbered
Among the dead
After a month or two.

When the Nazi doctor signaled to the right,
Everyone was immediately herded
To the incinerator.
The old, the infirmed,
The children, the weak,
All were compelled to the right.

A kind and gentle voice
Led them to the gas chamber:
“Take a rest and shower.”

Whenever the camp
Became full,
That kindly voice again:
“Take a little break in here.”
Straight to the gas chamber.

After the dropping
Of the atomic bomb,
The dead whose
Corpses remained
Were nonetheless blessed.

For those whose bodies
Melted completely,
Leaving no trace,
Were never counted as missing.

For when an entire
Family or village disappears,
No one is left to look for them.

Translated by Deborah and John Saxon

5. Are you OK?

Just one second on that Day
It happened.
Eyes popped out. Got burned and skin slide down like taking clothes off
Hand and leg were torn off and scattered away in the space
No body was rescued because
Soon after a big fire broken out.

I signed the explanation paper
Before my receiving radiotherapy to the breast
1) acute trouble
inflammation of the skin, heat, sometimes keloid
may be contracting radioactive pneumonia
2) after several years
changing to cell lose in lung, changing to black of skin, becoming atrophied
extending of a capillary, inflammation of the ribs, fracture of ribs
3) If getting it to left breast
According to the USA report, a rate of incidence of myocardial infarction will go up

Doctor said with self-confidence that
But if you have a rate less than this survival rate, this radiotherapy must be best way for relieving pain.

And doctor explained
Do not worry, even though we will have another cancer again, 20 or 30 may be 60
Years later from now

At 61 years after suffering from bombing
Are you OK now who survived two atomic bombs?

Doctor continued
The big point about different from atomic bomb is not genetic damage cause by radioactivity 
Because it is just irradiation for intensive care to one point not all body.

Oh my God!
How are your son and your daughter?
And your grand child?

© Taki Yuriko

Maurus Young


Dr. Maurus Young also known as Yun-da Yang, was born in 1933 in Wuhan, China.
He graduated at the National Taiwan University, obtained a B.A. degree in 1957; and from the Graduate School of Journalism of the National Chengchi University, obtained a M.A. degree in 1959. He also obtained a doctorate degree from the National Paris University in France in 1986.

He started to write poems at age 15 in Taiwan and his poems were published for the first time on the Chuan Ming Daily News, the former United Daily News in Taipei in 1949, when he was a student of Taipei's Chien Kuo Junior High School. He enrolled into Taipei's Cheng Kung Senior High School in 1950, at age 16, followed his teacher, Prof. Chi Hsuan, and became one of the founding members of the Hsien Dai (Modernist) Poetry Society.

As a poet, writer, journalist and historian, he has published 11 books, namely: "When We Return" (1971), "A Glance of the Beautiful Land and People of Ethiopia" (1972), "Lover of Rainbow" (1972), "A Selection of Poems by Maurus Young" (1972), "Dreams in Paris" (1984), "Collector of Stars" (1984), "Western Sightseeings" (1986), "Li Jin Fa, Pioneer of Modern Symbolism Poetry in China" (1986), "A Jar of Wine" (1993) and "Chants of a Stranger" (Written in Chinese, English and French), 1993, "La Vie et l'Oeuvre de Li Jin Fa," (Written in French), 1996.

He has been serving as Secretary General of the World Congress of Poets (WCP) and the World Academy of Arts & Cultural (WAAC) since 1994 and attended VIII WCP in Corfu, Greece 1985; IX WCP in Madras, India 1986; XI WCP in Cairo, Egypt 1990; XII WCP in Istanbul, Turkey 1991; XIII WCP in Haifa, Israel 1992; XIV WCP in Monterey, Mexico 1993; XV WCP in Taipei, Taiwan 1994; XVII WCP in Seoul, South Korea 1997; XVIII WCP in Bratislava, Slovakia 1998; XIX WCP in Acapulco, Mexico 1999; XX WCP in Thesaloniki, Greece 2000; XXIII WCP in Taipei, Taiwan 2003; XXIV WCP in Seoul, South Korea 2004;
XXV WCP in Los Angeles, U.S.A. in 2005 ; and XXVI WCP in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in 2006.

As a journalist, he has served as a reporter and foreign correspondent for the Central News Agency, Inc. of Taiwan for 40 years and was based in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia (March 1965- Sept. 1969), Paris, France (March 1973-Dec. 1983, May 1989-June 1992), Johannesbourg, South Africa (Dec. 1986-May 1989), and Geneva, Switzerland (Oct. 1994-Dec. 1998). During the period from November 1969 to March 1973, he served for the Associated Press of the United States of America as it's correspondent in Taipei, covering the exciting historical events of severance of diplomatic ties between Japan and Taiwan, former U.S. President Richard Nixon's visit to Beijing, and the withdrawal of Taiwan from the United Nations. Presently he lives in the suburbs of Paris on the left bank of Seine, writing his autobiography of 50 years' literary careers with contentment.

1. A Pigeon

From the top
A pigeon
Is raising its neck
Looking downward

It is watching the people
Who are walking with their heads bent down

It is listening to the cars
Which are roaring past so quickly

It is playing with the dust flying in the air
While looking downward

It is smelling the polluted air
From the top

Looking downward
Raising its neck
A pigeon
From the top

Oct. 30, 2005, Paris

2. Birthday

On my 72nd anniversary of birthday
My son invited me to a dinner

His five-year-old daughter Chia-lan
My half-chinese-and-half-french granddaughter

Gave me a piece of paper
To convey her greeting message

On the paper
She drew a heart in red

Then, she cut a piece of green paper shaped in a tree
And pasted it aside the heart

Then, she drew again in red
A half-opened lips

And then, signed her name
Lan Young in french

At last, she sung in chinese:
Happy birthday to you

February 22, 2006, Paris

3. Mirror

I am standing
In front of the mirror
Looking from this side
Into the other side

My childhood
Went into mirror

My boyhood
Went into mirror

My middle age
Went into mirror too

How do I appear
In the mirror today?
My naivete disappeared 60 years ago
My handsomeness 40 years ago
My pride 20 years ago

In front of the mirror today
Is standing a silver-haired
Old man
The expression in his eyes
Is so deep, unmeasurable

June 30, 2005, Paris

4. Sunset and Grief

The setting Sun
Has been holding by the ocean
Casting golden light at sea and rosy clouds in the sky

Spring thunders in rain
Has been blockaded by the mountain when traveling in valley
Made the world shaking and frightening

Your sorrow
Being caught by me
Left bloody marks in my heart

My grief
Being taken away by wind
Drifting away as cloud

Dec. 12, 2001, Paris

5. A Fish in Meditation

Lying on grass field in an afternoon
The sky in early Spring
Looks clear and blue as ocean

A jet plane flying over my head
Quietly from afar
Tailed by a chain of cloud

It looks like a boat sailing
In the high sea
Followed by white-crested waves

Another jet plane is coming
Slowly on top
Stirred up with long waves

Hiding in seaweeds
As a fish in meditation
I am in the bottom of sea

February 1, 2006, Paris

© Maurus Young (Yun-da Yang)

Zhang Zhi (Diablo)


Diablo (1965— ), a prominent poet and critic in contemporary China, his original name is Zhang Zhi; Dr. Litt; born in Baxian County, Sichuan Province; his ancestral home is in Nan’an District, Chongqing City.

He is at present the president of International Poetry Research and Translation Centre, member of the International Executive Committee of the World Congress of Poets, executive editor-in-chief of The World Poets Quarterly ( multilingual).

Since 1986 he began to publish his poetry works, part of his poems has been translated into over twenty kinds of foreign languages. His poetry works has won prizes in Greece, Brazil, USA, Israel, France, India and Italy. His major publications include: RECEITA (Portuguese-English-Chinese ); The Selected Poems of Diablo ( English); Poetry by Zhang Zhi ( German-English-Portuguese); Selected Poems of Diablo ( Chinese-English) and The Serial Comments on the Vanguard Poets in Contemporary China. He is the compiler of three poetry selections such as The Selected Poems of the International Contemporary Poets ( English- Chinese); Selection New Chinese Poetry of 20th Century(Chinese-English) and The Book Series of World Poets ( Bilingual).

1. Order Passed On

- An Exercise in Different Lines on a Piece of Out-of-date News

The Regimental Commander to the battalion commanders
“At eight this evening, the Halley Comet
will appear over our garrison area
This phenomenon only appears once
in every 76 years. Order all soldiers
to wear camouflage painting dress and gather on the drill ground
I will explain this rare phenomenon to them
If it rains, order them to gather in the auditorium
I will show them a film about comets.”

A battalion commander to the company commanders
“According to the Regimental Commander’s order, the Halley Comet
will appear over our drill ground at eight this evening
If it rains, order the soldiers to wear camouflage painting dress
and go to the auditorium in line.
This phenomenon that appears once in every 76 years
will appear there ”

A company commander to the platoon leaders
“The Regimental Commander orders: At eight this evening
the extraordinary Halley Comet
will appear in the auditorium in the camouflage painting dress
If it rains on the drill ground
the Regimental Commander will give another order
This order only appears once in every 76 years ”

A platoon leader to the squad leaders
“ At eight this evening, the Regimental Commander
will appear in the auditorium with the Halley Comet
This thing only happens once in every 76 years
If it rains, the Regimental Commander will order the Halley Comet
to wear its camouflage painting dress and go to the drill ground ”

A squad leader to the soldiers
“When it rains at eight this evening
accompanied by the Regimental Commander
the 76-years-old General Halley
in his camouflage painting dress and in a car of ‘Comet Brand’
will go to the auditorium by way of the drill ground ”

The order Passed on
Regiment X, US Army, 1910

Written on Jan. 18, 1999

2. The World Is Swaying in a Binoculars

The world fouled by
trash, semen, nuclear waste, heroin, blood and AIDS
can never be cleaned

Look! The world has entered KTV chartered room
Who knows which beautiful beast
delightfully moaning under his hips again
Tonight, the damned world will surely play rough
—It is also OK
if you image the scene
to be the Third World War

Rivers run east
Misses go west
The world is like a lost lamb
standing at a crossroads
asking robots going north and south
“To whom I should bow, sir ? ”

The world is applauding for politicians with its feet
The politicians bathe the world in blood

The world cannot see clear our faces
maybe we have no face
“We can be shameless since we have no face ”
a certain damned artist said so.

The world is waving its penis
howling on the top of the UN Edifice
“Behold , it is great ”
In fact, last night
this fellow whispered to me in the dream
“Sir, my penis is of no use”

The world is unhurried
The world is not frightened
The world has gone under the wheel of history
but no blood is coming out
Who has ever seen the real blood

Whetting the knife, the world
is gouging out its own flesh
day and night. Dearth
is singing an everlasting song in a drop of blood
“Breast-fattening cream fattens the breast, not the waist”

Written on November 20, 1997

3. Rising

You are aloft, evil, elegance and gloomy
Like a snow leopard, like a crescent moon
My witch, my Mona Lisa
In your melancholy and mysterious eyes
I’m willing to be gracefully cut by your knife
I’m willing to turn into a pile of ash
Pillowing the green hills and rivers alone
Listening to your wordless repent
Plum, I’ll stand in the hell or heaven
To see how you draw back the cutting edge of your red lips

No, in the centre of the storm of time
I, a free poet
In the instant of falling, will die without a burial place
If I refuse to rise

© Zhang Zhi (Diablo)

Dimitris P. Kraniotis



Dimitris P. Kraniotis is an award-winning Greek poet. He was born in 15 July 1966 in Stomio - Larissa, a coastal town in central Greece . He studied at the Medical School of the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki. He lives and works as a Medical Doctor (Physician) Internal Medicine Specialist (Internist) in Larissa , Greece .
He is Founder and President of the World Poets Society (W.P.S.), Vice-President of the Larissa Union of Poets and Writers, Vice-President of the Larissa Medical Association "Hippocrates", Editorial Director of the Greek medical magazine "Hippocrates", President of the Economic and Social Council of the Prefecture of Larissa, Member of the Board of Directors of the Cultural Organization of the Larissa Prefecture (Responsible for Literature), Member of the Editorial Board of the Greek literary magazine "Graphi" of the Cultural Organization of the Larissa Municipality, Editor & Director of the electronic magazine "World Poet" and the online poetic libraries "Greek Poet", "International Poet" & "Hellenic Words" and Member of the Board of Directors of the Larissa Medical Society.

He is Academician of the Academy Tiberina of Rome, Academician of the International Academy of Micenei (Italy), Doctor of Literature (Litt. D.) by the World Academy of Arts and Culture (under the auspices of UNESCO), President of 22nd World Congress of Poets (Greece 2011) by United Poets Laureate International, Ambassador of the Movement Poets of the World (Poetas del Mundo) to Greece, Ambassador of the Associacion of Writers and Artists of the Orb - ASEADLO (Asociacion de Escritores y Artistas del Orbe) to Greece, Universal Peace Ambassador (Ambassadeur Universel de la Paix) by the Universal Ambassador Peace Circle (Cercle Universel des Ambassadeurs de la Paix) & the Universal Peace Embassy (Switzerland), Board Member of the Global Harmony Association (Russia), Responsible of the World Network of Writers in Spanish - REMES (Red Mundial de Escritores en Espanol) to Greece, Poetry Ambassador (by the National Poetry Month Committee, USA) and Love Ambassador (by the Love Foundation, USA).

Also he is member of several organizations including the National Society of Greek Literary Writers, Hellenic Literary Society, International Society of Greek Writers, Greek P.E.N. Centre (P.E.N. Club Hellenique), Hellenic Society of Writing Physicians, Larissa Union of Poets and Writers, United Poets Laureate International (UPLI), World Academy of Arts and Culture (WAAC), International Writers Association (IWA), World Union of Writing Physicians (Union Mondiale des Ecrivains Medecins - UMEM), Poets of the World (Poetas del Mundo, Chile), Association of Writers and Artists of the Orb (Asociacion de Escritores y Artistas del Orbe - AEADO, Spain), Academy of American Poets, Poetry Society of America (PSA), Universal Ambassador Peace Circle (Cercle Universel des Ambassadeurs de la Paix, Switzerland), Global Harmony Association - GHA (Russia), World Harmony/Peace Academy - WHPA (Russia), World Network of Writers in Spanish (Red Mundial de Escritores en Espanol - REMES, Spain), Bilingual Poets and Writers for Peace (Argentina), etc.

Six of his poetic collections have been published: "Traces" (poems in Greek, Larissa, Greece 1985), "Clay Faces" (poems in Greek, Larissa, Greece, 1992 ), "Fictitious Line" (poems in Greek and translated into English and French, Larissa, Greece 2005), "Dunes" (poems translated into French and Romanian, Bucharest, Romania 2007), "Endogram" (poems in Greek, editions Malliaris Paideia, Thessaloniki, Greece 2010) & "Edda" (poems translated into French and Romanian, Bucharest, Romania 2010).

His poems have been translated into English, French, Romanian, Bulgarian, Serbian (Serbo-Croatian), Albanian, Dutch, Turkish, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Portuguese & Bengali. Central theme in his poetry is contemporary man, his impasse, his worries, his fears, his hopes and dreams.

He has won a number of international awards for his poetry (in Greece, USA, UK , France, India, Australia, etc), which has been published (in books, anthologies & magazines) in many countries around the World (USA, UK, Romania, India, Algeria, Bulgaria, Albania, China, Italy, Korea, Germany, Mongolia, Brazil, France, Australia, Canada, Serbia, Belgium, Turkey, Argentina, Nepal, South Africa, El Salvador, etc). He is featured in several encyclopedias (the free encyclopedia "Wikipedia" in 35 languages, the Greek encyclopedia "Live Pedia", the "Big Encyclopedia of New Greek Literature of Haris Patsis" and the "Who is Who in Greece ").

Awards and Honors:
In 2000:
1. Elected Secretary General of the Larissa Writers and Poets Society (ELOSYL), Greece,
2. Elected Secretary General of the Larissa Medical Society, Greece,

In 2003:
3. Silver Medal in Section "Letters" for 2003 for his poetry book "Clay Faces" by the International Academy of Lutece (Academie Internationale de Lutece - AIL) in "Grand Concours International 2003", presented in 2004, Paris (France),
4. Elected Vice-President of the Larissa Writers and Poets Society (ELOSYL), Greece,

In 2004:
5. Gold-Vermeil Medal in Section "Letters" for 2004 for his poetry book "Traces" by the International Academy of Lutece (Academie Internationale de Lutece - AIL) in "Grand Concours International 2004", Paris (France),

In 2005:
6. Nominee "Poet Of The Year 2005" (USA),
7. "International Poet of Merit Award" for 2005, Silver Award Bowl & Medallion, Washington DC (USA),
8. Gold-Vermeil Medal in Section "Letters" for 2005 for his poetry book "Fictitious Line" by the International Academy of Lutece (Academie Internationale de Lutece - AIL) in "Grand Concours International 2005", Paris (France),

9. Gold Medal" & "2nd International Prize in Literature for the year 2005" by the International Society of Greek Writers for his poetrybook "Fictitious Line" (Greece),
10. "Special Poetry Prize of the Year 2005" in the "1st Poetry Festival of Thessaloniki" (Greece),
11. Honorary Gold-Silver Plaquette by the Perfect of Larissa (Greece),
12. Honorary Gold-Silver Plaquette by the Larissa Medical Association "Hippocrates" (Greece),
13. "International Professional of the Year 2005" & Medal (UK),
14. Elected Treasurer of the Larissa Medical Association "Hippocrates", Greece,

15. "Person of the Month" by the monthly magazine "Kappa Style" of the newspaper "Imerisios Kirikas", November 2005, Larissa (Greece),

In 2006:
16. Nominee "Poet of the Year 2006" (USA),
17. "International Poet of Merit Award" for 2006, Crystal Award & Medallion (USA),

18. "Man of the Year 2006" & Medal (USA),
19. "Muses Prize" Winner (Special Award: "Best Multilingual Poetry Book of Year 2005") for his poetry book "Fictitious Line" (USA),

20. "Best Poetry book of the Year 2006" for his book "Fictitious Line" by the Greek Cultural Association "The Cafe of Ideas" & the "Greek Club UNESCO of Piraeus and Islands" in "22nd Panhellenic & 2nd International Symposium of Poetry and Literature" in Salamina Island (Greece),
21. "1st Poetry Prize" in 22nd Panhellenic Literary Competition "Sikeliana" by the Greek Cultural Association "The Cafe of Ideas" & the "Greek Club UNESCO of Piraeus and Islands" in "22nd Panhellenic & 2nd International Symposium of Poetry and Literature" in Salamina Island (Greece),
22. "Gold Medal" & "1st Poetry Prize" by the International Society of Greek Writers in the "25th Celebration of Poets", Athens (Greece),
23. "Best Poetry Book of the Year 2005" for his poetry book "Fictitious Line" by the Greek Literary Association "Xasteron" and the literary magazine "Kelaino" , Athens (Greece),
24. Honorary Silver Plaquette (Open Book) by the Mayor of Evrymenes (Greece),
25. Honorary Plaquette (Gold-Silver Platter) by the Cultural Association of Stomio (Greece),
26. "The Marie Curie Award" for 2006 & Medal (UK),

27. "Golden Pen Award" Winner by the electonic magazine "Art Arena" (UK),
. "Special Commendation" Winner in "4th International Poetry Competition" by the electronic magazine "First Writer" for his poem "Fictitious line" (USA),
29. "Special Commendation" Winner in "6th Panhellenic Literary Competition" by the Keratsini Society of Arts, Science and Culture, Athens (Greece),
30. "Universal Award of Accomplishment" for 2006 (USA),
31. "Poetry Prize" by the International Society of Greek Writers in "1st International Festival of Literature and Art", Athens (Greece),

32. Nominee "Best Poem of the Year 2005" his poems "Ideals", "Illusions" and "The end" (the only one poet outside USA of 13 poets on the nomination short list) in "2nd Muses Prize" (USA)
33. Nominee "Best Tragic Poem of the Year 2005" (one of the four poems on the nomination short list) his poem "The End" in "2nd Muses Prize" (USA),
34. "Editor's Choice Poet Scholar" for 2006 & Medallion (USA),

35. Included in "The Best Poems and Poets of 2005" with his poem "Illusions" (USA),
36. Included in "2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century" & Medal (UK),
. Included in "Great Minds of the 21st Century" & Medal (USA),
38. Included in "Great Lives of the 21st Century" & Medal (UK),
39. Included in "500 Greatest Geniuses of the 21st Century" & Medal (USA),

In 2007:
40. Nominee "Poet of the Year 2007" (USA),

41. "International Poet of Merit Award" for 2007, Special Crystal Award & Medallion (U.S.A.),
42. "Man of the Year 2007" & Medal (USA),
43. "President's Medal for Excellence in Poetry" & Certificate of Merit by the United Poets Laureate International (UPLI) in the 20th World Congress of Poets, Montgomery, Alabama (USA),
44. Elected President of the 22th World Congress of Poets (in 2011 for the first time in Greece) by the United Poets Laureate International (UPLI) in the 20th World Congress of Poets, Montgomery, Alabama (USA),
45. "Doctor of Literature" (Litt. D), Honorary Degree by the World Academy of Arts & Culture (WAAC) in the XXVII World Congress of Poets, Chennai (India),
46. "President's Medal for Poetic Excellence", Gold Medallion & Certificate of Merit by the World Academy of Arts & Culture (WAAC) in the XXVII World Congress of Poets, Chennai (India),
47. Nominee for "The Balkan Grand Prize for Poetry" of theYear 2007 (one of two nominations) by the International Academy Orient-Occident in the 11th International Festival "Curtea de Arges Poetry Nights", Bucharest & Curtea de Arges (Romania),
48. Gold-Vermeil Medal in Section "Letters" for 2007 for his poetry book "Dunes" by the International Academy of Lutece (Academie Internationale de Lutece - AIL) in "Grand Concours International 2007", Paris (France),

49. "Gold Medal" & "1st Poetry Prize" by the International Society of Greek Writers in the "26th Celebration of Poets", Athens (Greece),
50. Honorary Gold Plaquette by the Larissa Writers and Poets Society (ELOSYL), Greece,
51. "2006 Who’s Who Golden Poet Award Medallion" (USA),
52. "2007 Poetry Ambassador" & Medal by the National Poetry Month Committee (USA),

53. Honorable Mention for his poem "To the Dead Poet of Obscurity" by the United Poets Laureate International (UPLI) in UPLI Poetry Contest of the 20th World Congress of Poets, Montgomery, Alabama (USA),
54. "Poets Choice Contest " Winner (Monthly Most Votes) with his poem "Fictitious Line", May 2007 (USA),
55. "Poet Fellow 2007" & Medal (UK),
56. Ambassador of the Movement "Poets of the World" ("Poetas del Mundo", Chile) to Greece,

57. Universal Peace Ambassador (Ambassadeur Universel de la Paix) by the Universal Ambassador Peace Circle (Cercle Universel des Ambassadeurs de la Paix) & the Universal Peace Embassy (Switzerland),
58."Love Ambassador" by the Love Foundation (USA),
59. Award of Merit for his poetry book "Dunes" by the International Society of Greek Writers (Greece),

In 2008:
60. Honorary Award for his poetry by the First Qinghai Lake International Poetry Festival Committee (China) and the International Society of Greek Writers in the "27th Celebration of Poets", Athens (Greece),
61. Vice-Chair of the International Selection Committee for a Hymn to Harmony (ISCHH) by the Global Harmony Association (GHA), Russia
62. Academician of the International Academy of Micenei (Accademia Internazionale dei Micenei), Reggio Calabria (Italy),

63. Elected Vice-President of the Larissa Medical Association (Greece),
64. Ambassador of the Association of Writers and Artists of the Orb (Asociacion de Escritores y Artistas del Orbe, AEADO) to Greece (Spain),
65. Director of the World Harmony/Peace Academy (WHPA) Centre (Russia): The Greek Culture, researches and harmonization of Greece,

In 2009:

66. Academian of the Academy Tiberina of Rome (Italy),

Visit his Official Website , Homepage and Blog.



Dimitris P. Kraniotis
est un poète Grec né le 15 juillet 1966 à Stomio - Larissa, une ville située sur les bords de la mer Égée en Thessalie (Grèce Centrale). Il a fait des études à la Faculté de Médecine de l’Université d’Aristote de Thessalonique. Il est un médecin spécialiste en Médecine Interne et travaille à Larissa, Grèce.

Il est Président de la Société Mondiale des Poètes (World Poets Society, W.P.S.), Ambassadeur des Poètes du Monde (Chili) en Grèce, Ambassadeur Universel de la Paix de Cercle Universel des Ambassadeurs de la Paix et l'Ambassade Universelle de la Paix (Suisse), Caissier sélectionné au conseil d’administration de l’Association Médicale de Larissa, Membre du conseil d’administration de la Société Médicale de Larissa (au passé il était secrétaire général), Président du Conseil Economique et Social de la Préfecture de Larissa, Membre de conseil dirigeant de l' Organisme Culturel de la Préfecture de Larissa (responsable pour la Littérature), Directeur de rédaction du magazine médical grec «Hippocrate», Editeur et Directeur du magazine électronique "Poète du Monde" (World Poet) et des on-line bibliothèques poétiques «Poète International» (International Poet), «Poète Grec» (Greek Poet) et, «Mots Grecs» (Hellenic Words), Membre du conseil de rédaction du magazine littéraire grec «L' Ecriture» (Graphie) de l’ Organisme Culturel de la Mairie de Larissa.

Il est aussi membre de la Société Hellénique des Ecrivains Grecs, de la Société Internationale des Ecrivains Grecs, de la Société Grecque des Ecrivains Médecins, de l’Union des Ecrivains et Poètes de Larissa (il a été Sous- Président et pour une période Président), de l’Académie Internationale des Arts et Culture (WAAC), du Congrès Universel des Poètes (WCP), des Poètes Lauréate Unis International (UPLI), de l’Association Internationale des Ecrivains et Artistes (IWA), de l’Union Mondiale des Ecrivains Médecins (UMEM), de l’Académie des Poètes Américains, de la Société Internationale des Poètes, de la Société Poétique d’Amérique (PSA) et des Poètes du Monde (Chili).

Il écrit dès l’âge de 11 ans des poèmes et des romans, qui sont publiés pour la première fois en 1980 à la Presse locale, à l’âge de 14 ans. Il a publié 4 livres de Poésie: "Traces" (des poèmes en grec), Stomio , Larissa en 1985, "Visages d' Argile" (des poèmes en grec), Stomio, Larissa en 1992, "Ligne Imaginaire" (des poèmes en grec, anglais et français), Larissa, Grèce en 2005 et "Dunes" (des poèmes en français et roumain), Bucarest, Roumanie en 2007.

Ses poèmes sont traduits et sont publiés à des pays différentiels du monde. Dimitris P. Kraniotis est un poète internationalement reconnu avec beaucoup de prix et honneurs. Il est présenté dans la plus grande et plus précise on-line encyclopédie «Wikipedia» en 35 langues du monde, aussi dans l’encyclopédie grecque «Live Pedia». Encore son œuvre est dans «La grande Encyclopédie de la Nouvelle Littérature Harris Patsis» et à la publication grecque «Who is Who».



Año, lugar y país de nacimiento: 1966, Stomio - Larissa, Grecia
Lugar y país de residencia: Larissa, Grecia
Profesión: Médico Especialista en Medicina Interna (Internista)

Actividades y premios:
Poeta y Escritor, Fundador y Presidente de la Sociedad Mundial de Poetas (World Poets Society, W.P.S.), Editor y Director de la revista electrónica «World Poet» («Poeta del Mundo») y de las bibliotecas poéticas en línea «International Poet» («Poeta Internacional»), «Greek Poet» («Poeta Griego») y «Hellenic Words» («Palabras Helénicas»), Director Editorial de la revista médica griega «Hipócrates» , Miembro del Comité Editorial de la revista literaria griega «Graphi» («Escritura») y Miembro de la Junta Directiva de la Asociación Médica de Larissa y de la Sociedad Médica de Larissa.

Doctor en Literatura (Litt.D.) por la Academia Mundial de Arte y Cultura (WAAC), Presidente del Congreso Mundial de Poetas (en Grecia, 2011) por la Unión Internacional de Poetas Laureados (UPLI), Embajador del Movimiento "Poetas del Mundo" en Grecia, Persona del año (2006 & 2007) por el Instituto Biográfico Americano, nominado Poeta del año (2005, 2006 & 2007, Estados Unidos de América), Embajador de la Poesía (2007, Estados Unidos de América ) y muchos Premios Internacionales de Poesía (en Grecia, Estados Unidos de América, Francia, Reino Unido, India). Incluido en varias enciclopedias: la enciclopedia libre «Wikipedia» en 35 idiomas, la enciclopedia griega «Live Pedia», la «Grande Enciclopedia de Nueva Literatura Griega de Haris Patsis» y «Who is Who» («Quién es Quién en Grecia»).

Miembro de organizaciones literarias: Sociedad de Escritores Griegos (EEL), Sociedad Internacional de Escritores Griegos (DEEL), Sociedad Griega de Escritores Médicos (EEIL), Unión de Escritores y Poetas de Larissa (Vicepresidente anterior y Presidente por un periodo), Academia Mundial de Arte y Cultura (WAAC), Congreso Mundial de Poetas (WCP), Unión Internacional de Poetas Laureados (UPLI), Asociación Internacional de Escritores y Artistas (IWA), Union Mundial de Escritores Medicos (UMEM), Sociedad Internacional de Poetas, Academia de Poetas Americanos, Sociedad de Poesía de America (PSA), Poetas del Mundo (Chile) y Poetas y Escritores Bilingües por la Paz (Argentina).

Bibliografía: "Huellas" (Poesía en griego , Larissa, Grecia 1985), "Caras de Arcilla" (Poesía en griego , Larissa, Grecia 1992), "Línea Ficticia" (Poesía en griego, inglés y francés, Larissa, Grecia 2005) y "Dunas" (Poesía en francés y rumano, Bucarest, Rumania 2007).
Sus poemas han sido traducidos al inglés, francés, rumano, búlgaro, serbio (serbocroata), holandés y portugués y han sido publicado en muchos países alrededor del Mundo.



Anno, luogo e paese di nascita: 1966, Stomio - Larissa, Grecia
Luogo e paese di residenza: Larissa, Grecia
Professione: Medico Specialista di Medicina Interna

Attività e premi:
Poeta e Scrittore, Fondatore e Presidente della Società Mondiale dei Poeti (World Poets Society, W.P.S.), Editore e Direttore della rivista elettronica “Poeta del Mondo” (“World Poet”) e delle biblioteche poetiche sulla linea “Poeta Internazionale” (“International Poet”), “Poeta Greco” (“Greek Poet”) e “Parole Elleniche” (“Hellenic Words”), Direttore della rivista medica greca “Ippocrate” (”Hippocrates”), Membro del Comitato Editoriale della rivista letteraria “Scrittura” (”Graphi”) e del Consiglio di Amninistrazione dell' Associazione Medica di Larissa e della Società Medica di Larissa.

Dottore in Letteratura (Litt.D.) dell' Accademia Mondiale dell’ Arte e Cultura (WAAC), Presidente del Congresso Mondiale dei Poeti (in Grecia, 2011) dell' Unione Internazionale dei Poeti Laureati (UPLI), Accademico dei Micenei (Accademia Internazionale dei Micenei), Ambasciatore del Movimento "Poeti del Mondo" in Grecia, Persona dell' anno (2006 & 2007) dell' Istituto Biografico Americano, nominato Poeta dell'anno (2005, 2006 & 2007 Stati Uniti di America), Ambasciatore della Poesia (2007, Stati Uniti d’ America) e molti Premi Internazionali di Poesia (in Grecia, Stati Uniti di America, Francia, Regno Unito, India). Incluso in diverse enciclopedie: l'enciclopedia libera “Wikipedia” in 35 lingue, l'enciclopedia greca “Live Pedia”, l’ “Enciclopedia Grande della Letteratura Greca Moderna di Haris Patsis” e “Who is Who” (“Chi è Chi in Grecia”).

Membro delle organizzazioni letterarie: Societá degli Scrittori Greci (EEL), Società Internazionale degli Scrittori Greci (DEEL), Società Greca degli Scrittori Medici (EEIL), Unione degli Scrittori e Poeti di Larissa (Vicepresidente precedente e Presidente per un periodo), Accademia Mondiale dell’ Arte e Cultura (WAAC), Congresso Mondiale dei Poeti (WCP), Unione Internazionale dei Poeti Laureati (UPLI), Associazione Internazionale degli Scrittori e Artisti (IWA), Unione Mondiale degli Scrittori Medici (UMEM), Società Internazionale dei Poeti, Accademia dei Poeti Americani, Società di Poesia d’ America (PSA), Poeti del Mondo (Chile) e Poeti e Scrittori Bilingui della Pace (Argentina).

Bibliografia: "Tracce" (Poesia in greco, Larissa, Grecia 1985), "Facce d'Argilla" (Poesia in greco, Larissa, Grecia 1992), "Linea Fittizia" (Poesia in greco, inglese e francese, Larissa, Grecia 2005) e "Dune" (Poesia in francese e rumeno, Bucarest, Romania 2007).
Le sue poesie sono state tradotte in inglese, francese, rumeno, bulgaro, serbo (serbo-croato), olandese e portoghese e sono state pubblicate in molti paesi del Mondo.


Νοητή γραμμή

από τσιγάρα
και κούπες
γεμάτες καφέ,
στη νοητή γραμμή,
που η δίνη
των λέξεων
και γνέφει
τη σιωπή μου.


Βουνά χιονισμένα,
μνημεία αρχαία,
βοριάς που μας γνέφει,
σκέψη που κυλά,
εικόνες βαμμένες
με ύμνους ιστορίας,
λέξεις επιγραφών
με ιδανικά γεωμετρίας.


Βουβές ρυτίδες
στο μέτωπό μας
τα σύνορα της ιστορίας,
ρίχνουν κλεμμένες ματιές
σε στίχους του Ομήρου.
γεμάτες ενοχές
τραυματισμένους ψίθυρους,
που έγιναν αντίλαλοι
σε φωτισμένες σπηλιές
ανόητων κι αθώων.

Το τέλος

Η γεύση των φρούτων
δεν φεύγει
απ’ το στόμα μου,
μα η πίκρα των λόγων
γκρεμίζει τα σύννεφα
και στύβει το χιόνι,
μετρώντας τα βότσαλα.
Μα εσύ
δεν μου είπες
γιατί με ξεγέλασες,
γιατί με τον πόνο
και τ’ άδικο θέλησες,
να πεις πως το τέλος
πάντα με δάκρυα

(Translated by Lemonia Mourka)

Fictitious Line

of cigarettes
and mugs
full of coffee,
to the fictitious line
where the eddy
of words
leans against
and nods,
to my silence.


Snow-covered mountains,
ancient monuments,
a north wind that nods to us,
a thought that flows,
images imbued
with hymns of history,
words on signs
with ideals of geometry.


Noiseless wrinkles
on our forehead
the frontiers of history,
shed oblique glances
at Homer’s verses.
full of guilt
wounded whispers
that became echoes
in lighted caves
of the fools and the innocent.

The End

The savour of fruits
still remains
in my mouth,
but the bitterness of words
demolishes the clouds
and wrings the snow
counting the pebbles.
But you never told me
why you deceived me,
why with pain
and injustice did you desire
to say that the end
always in tears
is cast to flames.


The fireplace
was eager
to put a fullstop,
in the sentence
where the road
of my dreams
upon the word of happiness
with sparkles
of wet logs
I collected
from the inside of me
that I dared
to turn to ashes.

To the Dead Poet of Obscurity

(In honor of the dead unpublished poet)

Well done!
You have won!
You should not feel sorry.
Your unpublished poems
-always remember-
have not been buried,
haven’t bent
under the strength of time.
Like gold
inside the soil
they remain,
they never melt.
They may be late
but they will be given
to their people
to offer their sweet,
eternal essence.

One-Word Garments

Waves of circumflexes,
storms of adverbs,
windmills of verbs,
shells of signs of ellipsis,
on the island of poems
of soul,
of mind,
of thought,
one-word garments
you wear
to endure!


A roar of cars
seals the dawn
with short-cut answers,
with unyielding denials
that are repeated
every sunset.

To You I Speak

To you I speak,
do not show indifference.
This moment
to me
is mighty.
I am happy.
These words I uttered
and all were sad.
They left,
heads down.

(Traduit par Dimitra Bardani)

Ligne Imaginaire

des cigarettes
et tasses
pleines de café,
à côté
de la ligne imaginaire,
sur la quelle la vitesse
des mots
s’ appuie
et envoie un signale
à mon silence

Les Idéaux

Des montagnes enneigées,
des monuments anciens,
le nord qui nous signe,
la pensée qui coule,
des images mouillées
par les hymnes de notre histoire,
des mots épigraphiques
faits par des idéaux géométriques.


Des rides muettes
sur notre front
les limites de notre histoire,
jettent de petits regards
à de petits poèmes d’ Homère.
Des illusions
pleines de consciences
des murmures blessés
qui sont devenus l’ écho
dans des grottes lumineuses
des bêtes et des innocents.

(Traducere: Dumitru M. Ion)

Linia Imaginară

Şi ceştile
Cu cafea
Linia imaginară
De care se sprijină
Trimiţând un semnal
Tăcerii mele


Munţi înzăpeziţi,
Vechi monumente,
Nordul care ne însemnează,
Gândul ce curge,
Imagini îmbidate
De imnurile istoriei noastre,
Guvinte epigrafice
Create de idealuri geometrice.


Riduri mute
Pe fruntea noastră -
Limitele istoriei noastre -
Aruncând scurte priviri
Micilor poeme ale lui Homer.
Grele de conştiinţe
Rănite murmure
Devenite ecou
Al debitoarelor şi al inocenţilor
În luminoasele peşteri.

(Tradução por Teresinka Pereira)


Montanhas cobertas de neve,
monumentos antigos,
um vento do norte que nos castiga,
o pensamento que flui,
imagens que ficam
com os hinos da história,
palavras nos sons
com ideais de geometria.


Rugas silenciosas
em nossa testa
as fronteiras da história,
jorra oblíquos olhares
aos versos de Homero.
cheias de culpa
sussuros feridos
que se fizeram ecos
em cavernas iluminadas
dos pobres inocentes.

(Prevele Brankica Bogdanović , Danijela Jovanović i Dusan Gojkov)

Visit : Balkanski Književni Glasnik (Balkan Literary Herald)

Замишљена линија

и шољепуне кафе
замишљене линије,
коју вртлог
од речи
и поздравља
повређену ми


Снегом покривене планине,
древни споменици,
северац што нас обавија,
мисао која пролази,
обојене слике
химнама историје,
речи записа
савршенством геометрије.


Неме боре
на нашем челу
границе историје,
криомице гледају
на Хомерове стихове.
пуне кривице
рањене шапате,
што посташе одјеци
у осветљеним пећинама
будала и невиних.

(Türkçesi: Bahar Mucuk Demirtaş)

Hayali Çizgi

ve kahve dolu
yanı başında
hayali çizginin,
başını eğdiği,


Sessiz kırışıklıklar
tarihin sınırları,
imalı bakışlar atmış
Homer'in dizelerine.
Suçluluk dolu
aptalların ve masumların
aydınlık mağaralarında
yankılara dönüşen
yaralı fısıltıları.

(Vertaling: Henri Thijs)

Visit: Het Oog de Roos

Fictieve Lijn

van sigaretten
en bekers
de fictieve lijn
waartegen de draaikolk
van woorden leunt
en instemmend knikt,
naar mijn stilte.


Met sneeuw bedekte bergen,
oude monumenten,
een noordenwind die knikt naar ons,
een gedachte die vloeit,
beelden doordrenkt met geschiedenis,
woorden op tekens
met idealen van geometrie.


Geluidloos rimpelen
op ons voorhoofd
de grenzen van de geschiedenis:
schuine blikken geworpen
naar de verzen van Homerus.
vol schuld
gewonde fluisteringen
die echo’s werden
in verlichte grotten
van de dwazen en de onschuldigen.

© Dr. Dimitris P. Kraniotis, M.D., Litt.D.